Tyler Perry's Zatima & Sistas

Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Is Karen Really Over Zac?

Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Is Karen Really Over Zac?

Last week, Fatima visited Karen’s apartment once again to make peace. Both agreed that despite their past conflicts, they wouldn’t clash anymore—especially now that they’re both expecting babies. Karen firmly stated, “I’m over Zack. I don’t have feelings for him anymore.”

Luckily, I waited until this week to make this video because, in the latest episode, during Mari’s emergency Sister Circle, Karen unexpectedly admitted: “I have two baby daddies, and I’m actually starting to develop feelings for one of them.” Fatima immediately reacted: “Oh?” But Karen quickly clarified: “Not Zack! It’s Aaron!”

This raises a big question: Does Karen truly have feelings for Aaron, or is it just pregnancy hormones making her emotionally confused? A few weeks ago, Karen’s mother, Miss Lisa, also questioned her feelings and advised her to follow her heart. But is this real love or just a temporary emotion?

I think all Sistas fans can agree that as long as Karen is no longer pining over Zack, it doesn’t really matter who she falls for. However, when Fatima told Zack that Karen was completely over him, his reaction was quite telling. He didn’t seem convinced, and Fatima immediately called him out: “You love having your ego stroked, don’t you? Because you think Karen still wants you!”

This also explains why Zack would always get irritated whenever Aaron was around Karen, being affectionate towards her. So, has Karen truly let go of the past with Zack, or is she just trying to accept reality?

The next big question is: Where will things go with Aaron? After all his prayers and patience, will Karen genuinely choose him? Or once the pregnancy hormones settle, will she realize she never really loved Aaron in the first place?

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