Marie Confronts The Sister Circle: What Are They Even Fighting For Though?
Marie Confronts The Sister Circle: What Are They Even Fighting For Though?
Before diving in, let me say that today’s video will focus on a specific scene from this week’s Sistas trailer, where Marie sits down with all the women, including Fatima. According to the episode synopsis, Marie confronts the Sister Circle about their questionable decisions. In the trailer, she tells Andy, “I’ve been hearing so much about these friends of yours—call them over here right now! We cannot afford not to fight.”
Now, when the synopsis for Episode 16 first dropped a few weeks ago, I remember thinking, “Oh, this is going to be great! Marie is finally going to get these women into shape—this is what I’ve been waiting for!” But now, after seeing how the lead-up to this moment is unfolding, I’m not so sure.
Oh, and side note—this episode airs on my mom’s birthday! When I saw the date, I got excited, thinking, “Yeah, my mom’s birthday—it’s going to be a great episode!” But after seeing how things are shaping up, I’m starting to have doubts. Hopefully, I’m wrong.
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that whenever they release sneak peeks, I usually retweet them with quick bullet-point thoughts—camera work, the significance of a scene, and whether it’s something worth getting excited about. But honestly? I don’t know if I’m excited for this particular scene anymore. The buildup just doesn’t seem worth it, and I’ll explain why.
Before that, though, a quick update: I have several Zatima-related videos in the pipeline, but this past weekend was busy with choir rehearsal, church, and trying to get my sleep schedule back on track before my dentist appointment. No cavities (thankfully!), but they had to redo an old filling from ten years ago because part of it chipped. My mouth was numb for most of the day, so I wasn’t in the best shape to record.
I should be back to full speed tomorrow. I still need to watch Watson, the new Morris Chestnut show, which I believe is available on Paramount+. Also, a new episode of Papa’s House aired tonight, so I’ll be watching both and getting reviews up—hopefully before Sistas airs on Wednesday.
Speaking of Sistas, they finally dropped the full 30-second promo for this week’s episode, but honestly, I don’t know why they dragged their feet on it. The only new scenes added are Marie’s Sister Circle meeting, a brief segment of Danni in an HR meeting with Tony, and Watt looking at the murder suspect board. It’s not really worth doing a full breakdown since I’ve already analyzed most of it. I might just do some quick shorts on those moments instead.
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Alright, let’s jump into it.
So, as I mentioned, the big moment in this episode is Marie confronting the Sister Circle. And trust me, Marie is going to own this scene—this actress knows how to command a room no matter who she’s sharing the screen with. But here’s my issue: What exactly are these women fighting for?
I even jotted down some bullet points about each character’s supposed battles, but this season has done a poor job of showing what they’re actually struggling with. Let’s start with Andy.
I’ve said this before, but the writers really dropped the ball when Gary cornered Andy in the parking garage last season and gave her that ultimatum: “Marry me, or I’ll ruin Jordan’s life.” That was the moment things truly fell apart for her character. She had so many ways to outsmart Gary and use his arrogance against him, but instead, she’s just… given up. At this point, it’s hard to believe she doesn’t want this. There’s no way Andy is this foolish—she didn’t even tell Penelope, Agent Watt, or Jordan about Gary’s schemes.
And things have only gotten worse this season. She’s just been a whiny, passive character, more so than ever before. I’ve said this every week—even if Robin has some hidden agenda, he owns the firm. He’s been doing his job, making sure employees stay on task. He told Hayden to handle Andy’s workload since they’re short-staffed. He reminded Fatima to stay focused and not take personal calls during work hours. And yet, somehow, he’s the villain?
Seriously, try doing what Fatima does at your own job—leaving for personal errands while on the clock—and see if your boss doesn’t check you for it. Robin is just being a boss, not a villain.
Now, Marie keeps pushing Andy to “fight” and reclaim her job, but why? Her fiancé was stabbed, and she was dangerously close to the scene. The firm is rightfully sidelining her until things cool down. What exactly is she fighting for? In my opinion, she gave up the moment Gary issued his ultimatum.
And let’s be real—Andy’s character is giving Princess Peach energy. You know, the classic Super Mario Bros. damsel? Despite being kidnapped 500 times, even Peach fights back more than Andy has lately.
What’s frustrating is that Andy used to feel like the main character of Sistas. But now? It’s been years since she felt like the lead. It’s clear—Zac and Fatima officially took over in Season 3. Season 2 introduced them as a fan-favorite couple, but by Season 3, when Crystal Renee Hayslett joined the opening credits, it was cemented: This is the Zac & Fatima Show, featuring the Sister Circle.
Andy, meanwhile, has been reduced to playing Nancy Drew. She got caught snooping on Gary, and at this point, you cannot convince me she doesn’t still want to be with him. She’s playing the field because multiple men are chasing her, but the second one of them gets fed up, she acts hurt and pushes them away—yet she always runs back to Gary, no matter how many times he ruins her life.
Earlier this season, in Episode 3, she even admitted, “For a moment, I felt relieved. But then I thought—I can’t imagine a world without Gary in it.” And that’s when I knew—she’s still in love with him.
So Andy fighting for a job that’s not even hers, at a firm that was rightfully pushing her out, makes no sense. According to Episode 19’s synopsis, she’ll reclaim her position with Marie’s help, but I’m just sitting here thinking, Why?
And don’t even get me started on Sabrina… but that’s a whole other topic.