Love Is Blind

I’m Struggling To Understand How Love Is Blind Can Continue After Several Disappointing Seasons

I’m Struggling To Understand How Love Is Blind Can Continue After Several Disappointing Seasons

Love Is Blind has grown to be one of the most inconsistent and disappointing reality TV dating shows on the air, and I’m struggling to understand how it can continue after so many bad seasons. Throughout Love Is Blind’s eight season run, the series has become one of the most-watched and intensely anticipated reality TV dating shows, especially on Netflix. While I’ve enjoyed previous seasons of the show, Love Is Blind season 8 has reminded me of the difficulties that the series has been facing in the last seasons and left me confused about where it’s headed in the future.

Love Is Blind has been streaming on Netflix since 2020, but in the last five years the series has popped up across the globe. After premiering in the US, the show took off internationally and has branched out into several countries, bringing the same premise with different levels of drama. Having watched some of the international versions of the series, I’ve noticed that while each Love Is Blind is similar, the way drama unfolds is often different from country to country. The drama of Love Is Blind’s original iteration in the US has been low-stakes for the last few seasons.

Love Is Blind’s drama…has felt uninteresting and low-stakes to me for the past few seasons.

Love Is Blind’s Drama Has Been Uninteresting

No New Storylines Are Being Hashed Out

Love Is Blind host Vanessa Lachey in front of Monica and Joey's proposal

Although Love Is Blind has been showing different angles to the experiment for seasons, with eight seasons having come out in the last five years, there appears to be a lot less to look into than there used to be. With Love Is Blind bringing such an interesting premise to the table initially, it was fascinating to watch in the early seasons before people knew about the show from an outside perspective. The series showed the connections that people who had no knowledge of how the show worked in the long-term, which means they had no idea what to expect.

With Love Is Blind producing seasons at an accelerated rate, the show has been coming out twice a year for the last few years and making waves with every season. Rather than being an anonymous experience, though, new Love Is Bind cast members don’t have the same lack of understanding of the process. The cast members knowing about the show, its process, and how things can be edited has been a major detriment to the series, as many cast members wind up sharing less or trying to shield their drama from the cameras.

Love Is Blind’s drama, as a result of cast members trying to fly under the radar or create names for themselves on screen, has felt uninteresting and low-stakes to me for the past few seasons. Throughout Love Is Blind season 8 so far, the drama unfolding has felt overdone and under established. With the cast members seemingly trying to lean into problems they have in their relationships or trying to remove themselves from any sort of narrative that could spin them into drama online while the show’s airing, it’s been difficult to watch and find anyone to cheer for.

The Show Has Come Under Fire Several TimesMontage of Renee Poche And Carter Wall  From Love Is Blind Season 5carter wall renee poche love is blind split image promo shots with purple backgroundRETITLED_ Every Horror Renee Poche Revealed About Love Is Blind Season 5 On Natalie & Deepti’s PodcastMontage of Love Is Blind’s Renee Poche holding a netflix cup looking upsetLove Is Blind Season 5’s Renee Poche, with legal papers and a judge's gavel behind her

Throughout the last couple of years, Love Is Blind has come under fire several times for legal issues that cast members have had with the production company behind the show, Kinetic Content. While the majority of the details surrounding these lawsuits have been kept quiet, Love Is Blind has been sued more than once for endangering cast members, inhumane conditions during filming, and the level of emotional manipulation seen from producers on the show. While some of the cases have been dismissed, like Love Is Blind season 5’s Renee Poche’s suit, the production company has settled others out of court.

Love Is Blind season 8 may not be facing any legal issues currently, but the show has been in enough hot water that there have been jokes made about the problems on screen, and the cast members coming into the series seem aware of the accusations. While Love Is Blind may have changed their processes behind the scenes, it’s clear that there’s a lot more to the show than meets the eye. Personally, I don’t love the idea that multiple participants from various seasons have sued the show and there haven’t been public changes mentioned by the series.

Love Is Blind’s Casts Have Been Underwhelming

The Show Isn’t Casting The Right People

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As Love Is Blind has moved from season to season, it’s become clear they need to make changes in their casting process. While the casting team for Love Is Blindmuch like the casting team for Married At First Sight, travels from city to city to find singles who live in and around the area they plan to film next, the show has found some of the most lackluster, immature cast members in the last few seasons. One of the biggest parts of Love Is Blind is that the participants hope to be married by the end of the experience.

With the Love Is Blind cast members looking to get married, it’s unfathomable to me how many of the people who are cast on the show aren’t actually ready for marriage. Some cast members do wind up finding success with Love Is Blind and meeting someone they truly love, but the majority of cast members wind up finding out that they’re not as ready for marriage as they think. As someone who watches Love Is Blind for the genuine love stories, I can’t see keeping the show going with all of the issues it has stacking up.

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