Love Is Blind

Why did Love is Blind: Argentina stars Eva and Roberto part ways as the honeymoon phase ended?

Why did Love is Blind: Argentina stars Eva and Roberto part ways as the honeymoon phase ended?

Love is Blind: Argentina aired more episodes, including episodes 5 to 8, on Netflix on November 14, 2024. The latest segment of the social experiment focused on engaged couples and how they were getting to know their respective partners.

As engaged couples explored their connection, one of the couples, Eva and Roberto, didn’t seem to be getting along well with each other. Since the couple got engaged and advanced on the show’s honeymoon phase, Eva has been expecting Roberto to “step up” in their relationship.

However, as she has continuously addressed the issues over various episodes, she hasn’t seen any such behavior from Roberto. Love is Blind: Argentina‘s fifth episode marked the couple’s journey to their end, as they decided to part ways

“I don’t think we’re going to be able to work them out by living with each other. No. I don’t want to. I don’t think that we’re compatible, that things would work out between us,” confessed Eva.

Love is Blind: Argentina – Eva and Roberto part ways after spending the “honeymoon” phase at Tulum

Love is Blind: Argentina’s fifth episode featured how one of the engaged couples, Evangelina Novo, 29, and Roberto Marsicano, 28, parted ways and ended their connection.

The fifth episode of the social experiment saw how Eva confessed about Roberto in the beginning,

“I idealized everything he shared about his life in the pods. This brave man who supported his sister when she was going through such a difficult time. I think I created this version of the man I really wanted him to be, and now it’s all falling apart.”

During Eva and Roberto’s double date with fellow couple Julieta and Ezequiel, she expressed her concerns about the “distance” between them.

Later that day, Roberto confessed,

“The chemistry between Florfi and Tom is something that I wish I was finding in my relationship with Eva.”

The next morning on Love is Blind: Argentina, couples advanced to the next phase of the experiment, where they were supposed to “live together.” However, before that happened, Eva and Roberto talked about it.

She asked about his day-to-day life during their pod dates. At the time, Roberto mentioned that he leaves home and returns from work around 8 or 9 p.m.

“But now you’re saying that you don’t actually wake up until 10:30,” shared Eva.

Roberto mentioned it was the case only when he had “nothing” to do.

She further talked about how, in her mind, Roberto’s image was “entirely based” on what he had shared with her.

The female cast member later confessed that during their pod dates, they seemed to have “a lot of things in common;” however, they were “very different.”

She added that couples can “strengthen” their connection after working through their differences. However, that might not have been the case between herself and Roberto because, as she mentioned,

“It’s just not happening for us.”

The fifth episode featured another conversation between the couple. Eva mentioned that one day if she were to come back for a pastry and find Roberto still in bed, she would be “horrified” because she is “really active.”

As Roberto shared in his private confessional, he thought that the “differences” between his and Eva’s personalities were their “traits” and that one could not change who they were.

The couple sat separately as they didn’t get along right before they were supposed to leave for the next phase of the experiment.

“As much as I wanted to avoid this happening, it’s time to sit down with Robert and lay all of my cards down on the table,” confessed Eva.

The duo then had their final conversation, after which they parted ways. Tom said that he loved sharing the experience with Eva. He mentioned having “fun,” Eva replied that she was not there for the “trip.”

She felt that Tom was not there to get to know her better and seemed “more interested” in traveling and “trying something new” than exploring his connection with Eva. Since Eva felt Roberto was not the “right type of man” for her, Roberto thought they didn’t have “that chemistry”.

Love is Blind: Argentina couple Eva and Roberto parted ways and did not advance to the next phase of the social experiment, which their fellow couples advanced.


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