Archaeology & Civilizations

The Mysterious Death Of Stanley Meyer – The Man Who Invented “Water Powered Car”

The Mysterious Death Of Stanley Meyer – The Man Who Invented “Water Powered Car”

Stanley Meyer, the inventor of the “Water Powered Car.” Stanley Meyer’s tale gained attention because he died under unexplained circumstances after his concept for a “water fuel cell” was rejected. Even today, there are several conspiracy theories surrounding his death and some critiques of his innovation.

Stanley Meyer: On August 24, 1940, Stanley Allen Meyer was born. He lived the majority of his life in East Columbus, Ohio. He later relocated to Grandview Heights, where he completed his studies and attended high school. Meyer, despite his religious beliefs, was eager to create something new. After graduating from high school, he joined the military and briefly applied to Ohio State University.

Stanley Meyer held dozens of patents over his career, including banking, oceanography, heart monitoring, and automobiles. A patent is a type of intellectual property that grants its owner the legal right to prevent others from creating, using, selling, or importing an invention for a certain number of years in exchange for publishing an enabling public disclosure of the story. The “Water Powered Car” was the most popular and contentious of his inventions.

“Fuel Cell” and “Hydrogen-Powered Car” by Stanley Meyer:

Meyer devised a patent mechanism in the 1960s that could produce electricity from water (H2O) rather than petroleum fuel. Meyer referred to it as a “fuel cell” or “water fuel cell.”

In the mid-1970s, the price of crude oil tripled on the global market, and oil prices in the United States rose daily. Car sales were almost nil due to the increased cost of gasoline use. The US government was under a lot of strain since Saudi Arabia had shut off the country’s oil supplies. As a result, numerous firms went bankrupt, and the American car sector suffered greatly.

During this challenging period, Stanley Meyer attempted to create an automobile that would revolutionize the American automotive industry. As a result, he devised a retrofitted automotive “fuel cell” that could utilize water as fuel instead of petrol or gasoline to reduce reliance on petroleum.

Meyer puts it this way:

It became critical that we strive to bring in an alternative fuel source as soon as possible.

His technique was straightforward: water (H2O) is composed of two parts hydrogen (H) and one part oxygen (O) (O). Meyer’s invention separated these two substances, and the hydrogen was utilized to power wheels while the excess oxygen was discharged back into the environment. As a result, the hydrogen automobile would be more environmentally beneficial than a gasoline car that emits hazardous pollutants.

To put it another way, this process was previously known in science as “Electrolysis.” When an electric current is sent through a liquid or solution containing ions, chemical breakdown occurs. If the fluid is water, it will be broken down into oxygen and hydrogen gas. However, this technique is more expensive and will have little effect on gasoline costs. Furthermore, electricity is required from an external source, implying that the procedure is not worthwhile.

On the other hand, Meyer claims that his technology could operate at nearly no cost. It’s still a wonder how it’s feasible!

If Stanley Meyer’s claim is genuine, his groundbreaking idea might truly bring a revolution in the American car sector, saving trillions of dollars in the global economy. Furthermore, it would minimize the hazard of global warming by lowering air pollution and increasing oxygen levels in the atmosphere.

Meyer then created the first water-powered automobile, a red Buggy. The revolutionary new hydrogen-powered vehicle has been on display around the United States. Everyone was interested in his breakthrough invention at the moment. Meyer’s water-powered Buggy was even featured in the news broadcast on a local television station.

Meyer said in an interview that his hydrogen automobile would only require 22 gallons (83 liters) of water to go from Los Angeles to New York. It’s mind-boggling to consider.

Lawsuits And Fraud Claims:

Meyer had already sold the dealerships to investors interested in his Water Fuel Cell technology. But things took a turn for the worse when Meyer made reasons to have his automobile inspected by an expert called Michael Laughton. Mr. Laughton was the Professor of Engineering at Queen Mary University of London, and anytime he wished to evaluate Meyer’s work, he dismissed Meyer’s justifications as “lame.” As a result, the two investors filed a lawsuit against Stanley Meyer.

Three expert witnesses eventually tested his “water fuel cell” in court. They determined that “there was nothing groundbreaking about the cell and that it was just employing standard electrolysis.” Meyer was judged to have committed “gross and egregious deception” by the court, and he was forced to reimburse the two investors their $25,000.

According to the experts, Meyer also used the names “fuel cell” or “water fuel cell” to refer to the section of his invention in which energy is carried through the water to make hydrogen and oxygen. Meyer’s usage of the term in this context contradicts its traditional definition in science and engineering, where similar cells are commonly referred to as “electrolytic cells.”

Some, however, praised Meyer’s effort and said that his “Water Fuelled Car” was one of the world’s best innovations. Roger Hurley, a judge, was one of these believers.

Hurley stated:

I would not represent someone I perceive to be a jerk or a jerk. He was a good person.

Stanley Meyer’s Unsolved Death:

Meyer met with two Belgian investors on March 20, 1998. Meyer’s brother Stephen Meyer was also present during the meeting, which took place at a Cracker Barrel restaurant.

Meyer hurried outside, gripping his throat after they all made a toast at the dinner table. He confessed to his brother that he had been poisoned.

Stephen Meyer, Stanley Meyer’s brother, stated:

Stanley sipped some cranberry juice. Then he grasped his neck, dashed out the door, fell on his knees, and vomited violently. I dashed outside and asked him, ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘They poisoned me,’ he added. That was his final statement.

The Franklin County Coroner’s Office and the Grove City Police Department have performed a thorough investigation. They then concluded that Stanley Meyer died due to a brain aneurysm.

Was Stanley Meyer a Conspiracy Victim?

Many individuals still feel Stanley Meyer was murdered as part of a conspiracy. This was mainly done to suppress his innovative invention.

Some argue that Meyer’s death was primarily caused by his innovation, which drew negative attention from government officials. Meyer used to meet with strange guests from various nations regularly.

According to Meyer’s brother Stephen, the Belgian investors knew about Stanley’s murder since they showed no emotion when Meyer’s death was announced. There were no condolences or queries, and the two guys mentioned nothing about his death.

What Happened to Stanley Meyer’s Ground-Breaking Water-Fueled Car After He Died?

Meyer’s patents are claimed to have all expired. His innovations are now freely available to the public, with no limitations or royalties required. Meyer’s innovation, however, has yet to be adopted by an engine or automobile maker.

Later, James A. Robey, who used to conduct frequent webcasts, investigated Stanley Meyer’s innovation and determined it to be true. For a while, he maintained the “Kentucky Water Fuel Museum” to assist reveal the repressed history of creating water fuel technology. He also authored a book titled “Water Car – How to Turn Water Into Hydrogen Fuel!” in which he describes the 200-year history of converting water into fuel.

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