Black Triangle UFO Captured In NASA Apollo 9 Photos: Is It Again Black Knight Satellite?
Black Triangle UFO Captured In NASA Apollo 9 Photos: Is It Again Black Knight Satellite?
A strange black triangular UFO has recently been noticed in the backdrop of a photograph from the Apollo 9 mission, circulating on the Internet. On March 8, 1969, one of NASA’s astronauts took this shot during a spacewalk. Could it be an alien craft or, once again, the Black Knight Satellite?
The object has drawn comparisons to the Black Knight satellite. This alleged clandestine craft conspiracy theorists believe it is orbiting our planet and being kept secret by the proverbial ‘powers that be.’ It appears to be thousands of miles away from the astronauts and lingering in the Earth’s outer atmosphere. If the image looks familiar to committed UFO researchers, it’s been circulating on various forums and websites for a few years and is proclaimed as a ‘new’ find every few months.
If the item isn’t an alien craft or an ET satellite, UFO researcher Scott Brando claims that the anomaly was simply a photographic flaw when digitally processed in 2004 the original NASA photographs. It would explain how it was ‘hiding in plain sight for decades until academics looking at Apollo photographs online found it.
Is it an extraterrestrial craft or a particle of dust? The federal government collects UFO data through its Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites, according to the 2016 Podesta UFO emails.
Bruce Maccabee, a well-known UFO researcher, received a phone contact from a man sent to him by Budd Hopkins on March 3, 1986. On October 11, 1978, a guy called James Bounds asked Maccabee to examine a snapshot taken by a buddy from the weather office at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage.
The shot was subjected to a thorough examination by Maccabee, and the results were remarkable. A DMSP satellite hostile is used to create the colored image (as shown below). It had a rectangular device with no wheels, which he described as a vehicle.
“Because of the shape of its very sharp contour and the dark rectangular portion within the image, the AI looks something like a vehicle without wheels when viewed obliquely from above,” Maccabee stated in his paper. There were curved white lines behind the item that looked like vapor trails left by aircraft engines.
He concluded that if the DMSP photo had been available immediately after taking it, he could have determined the location of the other satellites, their dimensions, and the space trash circling in 1978. “If there was no such satellite,” he concluded, “then this may have truly been labeled as an unidentified object.”
Sergei Bosich, a Soviet astrophysicist, remarked in 1979 that stunned scientists in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to him, he discovered an alien spaceship that was strewn about the Earth and orbiting it in bits.
Even though getting information regarding Soviet internal affairs was impossible, this item made the top page of the American weekly “National Enquirer.” It was then reproduced under the headline “Sensation In Space” by the famous British newspaper “Reveille.”
Alexander P. Kazantsev, a prominent Soviet science fiction writer and a pioneer of Soviet UFOlogy, estimated that the ship was 200 feet long and 100 feet wide. “It featured little domes with telescopes, saucer antennae for communication, and portholes,” he stated.
Some analysts attempted to connect the Russian narrative to a 1969 study by US scientist John Bagby in the journal Icarus. He claimed to have discovered at least ten moonlets after a parent body shattered on December 18, 1955. Belgian astronomer Jean Meeus slammed his evidence, calling his story “groundless.”
Some speculated that it was the Black Knight Satellite, even though it never solved the riddle. On the other hand, others claim that the Russian government planned to undertake a cooperative mission with other countries, including the US, to recover the spacecraft debris. Whatever the reason for this case, it became a sensation and then faded away without a good explanation.
Many UFO researchers were caught aback when they saw astronaut James McDivitt’s photograph of a UFO obtained in low Earth orbit. It was dubbed one of the “greatest UFO photographs ever taken.” NASA remained skeptical about the image. It was even claimed by the space agency that there was nothing unusual about it. Either the Americans or the Soviets believe it is a terrestrial object. Other critics speculated that it could have been McDivitt’s booster rocket at the same launch.
It’s hardly surprising that astronaut McDivitt never accepted the object in the photos as extraterrestrial. His thoughts on the matter are as follows (as published in FATE magazine in June 1974):
“I was flying with Ed White at the time.” I don’t have anyone to verify my story because he was sleeping at the time. We were drifting through space, control engines turned off, and all instrumentation turned off when (an item) appeared in the window. It had a distinct shape – it was a cylindrical device that was white and had a long arm that protruded from the side. I’m not sure if it was a tiny thing up close or an enormous object from a great distance.”
Is the Mystery of the Black Knight Satellite Solved?
The mythical Black Knight satellite has been the subject of a conspiracy for more than 120 years. Radio transmissions have been related to several initial discoveries associated with the Black Knight satellite theory. STS-88, the first space shuttle trip to the International Space Station, captured a series of photographs in 1998. (ISS).
NASA photographs of a black object hovering above our globe in low Earth orbit display for all to see. The ISS was in the middle of being built when the photographs were shot, according to STS-88 astronaut Jerry Ross. When cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev snapped the images, he stated the US astronauts were on their way to attach the American module to the Russians.
“They are certainly some of the weirdest-looking 70-mm images to ever come out of the space shuttle program,” says former NASA engineer James Oberg. “And allegedly, a NASA website change rendered the original connections inactive, raising questions about a cover-up,” he continued. All standard journalistic procedures were bypassed, including determining the timeline, interviewing witnesses, and looking for a larger context.”
Are the objects photographed on Apollo 9 and the STS-88 mission the same? Is the purported Black Knight spacewalk trash from the first space shuttle mission to the International Space Station in 1998?