7 Little Johnstons Liz Johnston Caught Lying About Being a Nurse? Emma EXCLUDES Anna from IG Post!
7 Little Johnstons Liz Johnston Caught Lying About Being a Nurse? Emma EXCLUDES Anna from IG Post!
Liz is a nurse, currently studying to earn a sonography degree. She started college while still in high school and has completed her medical program. However, there have been many questions from fans about whether Liz is truly a registered nurse, as information from her mother, Amber Johnston, seems to be inaccurate.
Amber has stated that Liz completed a program in Medical Science (ASN), which qualifies her to take the certification exam required to become a registered nurse (RN). However, in order to truly become a nurse, Liz must pass the NLEX exam, and there is currently no information confirming that Liz has passed this exam. Recently, Amber also claimed that Liz is an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), a position that requires a bachelor’s and master’s degree, which has raised concerns since Liz only completed the ASN program.
Liz’s career shift into sonography has also sparked much discussion. While some supporters believe that not passing the NLEX exam isn’t a major issue, others argue that the unclear details about Liz’s career and Amber’s ambiguous statements are misleading.
Additionally, the Johnston family’s relationship dynamics have become a focal point of controversy. Recently, Emma Johnston posted a photo celebrating International Women’s Day but left out her sister Anna. This led many fans to criticize Emma, with some accusing her of having a conflict with Anna, and even speculating that Amber may have interfered in her children’s relationships.
Anna has also shared her difficult experiences growing up under Amber’s supervision, with accusations of favoritism and unhealthy competition between siblings. Some fans believe Amber created a competitive environment among her children rather than providing support and love. This has sparked much debate in the online community.
Despite facing these controversies, Anna remains strong and enjoys significant support from fans. She has a stable job and a supportive family outside of the Johnston family circle.