“And that’s okay”: Love is Blind star Joey reacts to Monica’s decision not to get married
“And that’s okay”: Love is Blind star Joey reacts to Monica’s decision not to get married
The recently released Love is Blind Season 8 Finale saw four wedding ceremonies. One of the ceremonies was between Joey and Monica, aired on Netflix on March 7, 2025.
The final episode of the social experiment, The Weddings, revealed three couples refusing to get married, while one got married. During their wedding ceremony, when the officiant asked Monica her answer, she responded:
“I…don’t right now. I’m gonna start crying. But in this moment, it’s 100%, or it’s…And I just feel like we’re not quite there,” revealed Monica.
Listening to her expressing her feelings, Joey replied:
“And that’s okay.”
Love is Blind Season 8: Monica refuses to say “I do”, after which Joey shares his thoughts
Love is Blind Season 8 finale featured Monica, 28, and Joey, 35’s wedding ceremony. Guests, including their family, friends, and relatives, attended the function. After the bride and groom arrived, the wedding official started the ceremony:
“Monica and Joey, you chose to get engaged and spend the rest of your lives together based on a deep emotional connection. Looks, age, finances, and all the superficial things of the world were not a factor for you two. Now is the time to decide if love is blind.”
The wedding official asked Monica:
“Do you take Joey to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and cherish in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?”
Love is Blind star Monica said even though she felt it was “100%”,” she felt like they weren’t “there” yet. She told Joey that she loved him and that he was “amazing.” He hugged Monica and he said to her that it was “Okay.”
“We have a tremendous amount of love for each other, and that’s apparent, but I think there’s bigger things and bigger growth. And…I agree. I don’t think I would be ready. I need to be 100%,” replied Joey.
He added that to be “completely 100% honest,” he was not “100%” then. Love is Blind star said that they had grown “tremendously” together. As he hugged Monica once more, guests cheered for the couple.
Later, Joey mentioned he wanted to share something with everyone. Referring to that situation as a “crazy” moment, Joey said:
“I think one thing my sister Chasea had always taught me was to cherish every moment and every little good thing about a moment. Although we came here and this was our ultimate decision, I think there is still a ton of good. And just like my sister would, if she was here, to find that, cherish that. And I’m sure Monica feels the same.”
Listening to Joey remembering his late sister, his mother got emotional. While Joey expressed himself, Monica could not stop crying while standing beside him.