Archaeology & Civilizations

500-Year-Old Manuscript Describes 3-Stage Space Rockets And Talk About Flights To Moon

500-Year-Old Manuscript Describes 3-Stage Space Rockets And Talk About Flights To Moon

Some scientists believe that Earth formerly had a highly developed culture. Civilization, however, was destroyed as a result of unexplained events. It is demonstrated by archaeological discoveries that defy scientific explanations in modern society.

There is also a hypothesis that our planet was once visited by aliens who shared their knowledge and technologies with humans. These aliens may have supplied incredible innovations thousands of years ago, but these advancements finally drove humanity to extinction.

Some argue that our forefathers employed such complex technologies that they are challenging to comprehend in today’s world. However, particular present inventions may have been borrowed from the past, even though nearly no one is aware. You’ve probably heard of the ancient nuclear war theory or ancient flying vehicles, which are mentioned in ancient literature. Our ancestors traveled through space and possessed knowledge of the universe far beyond present humans.

Doru Todericiu, a professor at the University of Bucharest, found the Sibiu manuscript in 1961. It has been held in the archives of Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, for many years. The ancient document is full of diagrams and technical information.

Because the Sibiu document does not fit with current history, it has gotten a lot of interest. The manuscript was written in the 16th century by Conrad Haas. Conrad was also thought to have worked for the Kingdom of Hungary as a military engineer.

The document in Sibiu is written in German. Many others believe it was authored utilizing texts from even further.

The manuscript contents go into great length about rocketry concepts, and there are even sketches of models of a three-stage space rocket. The text includes directions for making liquid rocket fuel and descriptions of technology for combining fireworks with weaponry, and even the creation of a hang glider.

Furthermore, there are references to lunar flights. According to Romanian scholars, the document contains accounts of a guy who used a unique flying vehicle to reach the Earth’s satellite. There are other descriptions of prehistoric fuel made up of uncommon components.

This chronicler appears to have traveled to a future world. Sibiu’s manuscript is pretty extensive, with 450 pages. The Sibiu manuscript is known to be authentic, and experts do not doubt it, but they are not in a hurry to comment on its contents.

If anticity researchers had not discovered additional unusual books and technologies, this case might be dismissed as science fiction. Furthermore, archaeologists have found numerous artifacts that show our forefathers were far more civilized than modern historians believe. Manuscripts like Sibiu can influence people’s perceptions of history.

It’s unclear whether Haas successfully utilized his designs and brought them to reality. However, others believe that it launched a rocket in Sibiu in 1550. Conrad Haas is credited with developing the first rocket. According to him, it took Haas more than 25 years to build a one-of-a-kind aircraft. The quest for a fuel that would be sufficient to raise it into the air was the most challenging task in this situation.

The rocket’s technical specifications are comparable to those of modern vehicles. Made it out of wooden components covered in a layer of unique stone dust that was believed to keep the body from burning when rubbed against the air. According to contemporaries, researchers in the 16th century did not understand the complexities of physical processes in the air so that scientists may receive information from aliens.

In addition, he has been researching ancient manuscripts discovered in modern-day Egypt since he was a child. In 1550, they could launch a trip to the Moon. However, there is no documentary evidence to back up these assertions.

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