Little People Big World

Little People Big World Tori & Zach Roloff On Josiah, Jackson’s Surgery, Matt Roloff Drama & More

Little People Big World Tori & Zach Roloff On Josiah, Jackson’s Surgery, Matt Roloff Drama & More

Q: How’s everything going with the new baby?
We’re doing great! Josiah’s been wonderful, and surprisingly, everyone’s asleep right now, which is a rare miracle. Having a newborn while chasing two toddlers is a challenge, but it’s been good overall.

Q: Has anything been different or more challenging this time around?
With our third baby, we’re definitely more confident as parents. The biggest difference is dividing our attention between the newborn and the older kids, Jackson and Lila. With the first baby, all your focus is on them, but now you have to find a balance.

Q: How do you divide parenting duties now that you’re outnumbered?
Zach is amazing with the older kids—he often takes Jackson and Lila while I focus on Josiah. Sometimes, Lila switches between us, depending on her mood. Jackson loves being outdoors, while Lila is in this in-between phase where she alternates between wanting to play outside and being inside.

Q: How have Jackson and Lila adjusted to having a new sibling?
We were worried about how they’d react, but they’ve been amazing. They’ve completely embraced Josiah. Jackson is always trying to help, bringing binkies and blankets, and even greets Josiah first thing in the morning. It’s so sweet.

Q: What’s Josiah’s personality like so far?
He’s a very chill baby—straightforward and easygoing. He’s also very tolerant of his siblings constantly poking and touching him, which is a blessing.

Q: Tori, how are you feeling? You look fantastic!
Thank you! With three kids, you have no choice but to get up and keep moving. Recovery this time was harder, especially after my third C-section. I’m anxious to get back to working out and doing things with the kids, but I’m taking it slow.

Q: Why was recovery more intense this time?
I think it’s a combination of age and this being my third C-section. Plus, having kids at home means I’m moving around a lot more. The hospital stay also didn’t go as planned, which added some stress.

Q: How was the delivery experience?
It was similar to Lila’s birth—my water broke early, and we had to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night. We live further away now, so it was a bit chaotic, but everything went smoothly in the end.

Q: How did you decide on Josiah’s name?
We struggled a lot with names this time because we didn’t know the baby’s gender. I was set on Josiah—I’ve always loved the name. His middle name, Luke, comes from Zach. We also like that his nickname, “Skye,” ties in with family names.

Q: Did you have a feeling you were having a boy?
I felt like I was going to have a boy, but I think that’s because I really wanted one.

Q: How is Josiah doing health-wise?
He’s doing great! He’s growing quickly and now fits into newborn clothes, which he was swimming in when we first brought him home.

Q: How has breastfeeding been this time around?
I’ve been very fortunate with all three kids—it’s been smooth every time. By now, I feel confident and trust myself. Josiah is eating, peeing, and sleeping well, so I don’t stress about it.

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