Tyler Perry's Zatima & Sistas

Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Devale Says That Fatima NEVER Crashes Out Because Her Moves Are Calculated

Tyler Perry’s Sistas | Devale Says That Fatima NEVER Crashes Out Because Her Moves Are Calculated

Deval’s recent tweet about Fatima’s character sparked quite a bit of debate among Sistas fans, and I’ve got to say, I’m not entirely on board with his take. In his tweet, Deval claims that Fatima “never crashed out,” emphasizing how she’s “extremely calculated” compared to Zach, who he describes as impulsive. While I get that Deval is likely speaking from his perspective as Fatima’s on-screen partner, the idea that Fatima is always calm and calculated? Well, that’s up for debate. Let’s break it down.

First of all, let’s remember some of Fatima’s most heated moments on the show. Crashed out? You bet she has. Take, for instance, the time Fatima stormed over to Hayden’s house, baseball bat in hand, and trashed his car after believing he had something to do with Zach’s arrest. She even went as far as smashing his coffee table and family heirlooms, then threatened him before realizing she had jumped to conclusions. That wasn’t calculated; it was pure rage. Fatima acted on impulse, thinking Hayden was responsible when, in reality, the situation was far more complicated. Sure, she later realized her mistake and regretted it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a “crash-out” moment.

Another incident that certainly qualifies as a crash-out happened in Season 7 when Fatima completely lost it at Deja’s apartment. After Zach had his own crash-out moment at Belinda’s place, Fatima followed suit, tearing up Deja’s apartment and hitting someone’s car with a baseball bat. Calculated? Not a chance. When Deja told her the cops were on the way, Fatima had no plan, no back-up, just emotional reactions. Her shouting at Deja only revealed how out of control the situation was. It wasn’t a calculated move; it was a mess of emotions and poor decision-making.

Even when Fatima confronted Gary at the end of Season 7, armed with a gun, there was no calculation there either. While the gun might have been meant as a precaution, the confrontation happened out in public, in front of cameras and passersby. If the situation had escalated, Fatima could have found herself in serious trouble. It wasn’t a well-thought-out move; it was a knee-jerk reaction to the tension she was feeling.

Now, don’t get me wrong—Fatima’s actions often come from a place of protectiveness or deep emotional pain. But the idea that she is always “calculated” and never has a “crash-out” moment? That doesn’t hold up when you look at her past behavior. It’s clear that Fatima, like Zach, has her moments of losing control and acting impulsively. And to act as if her outbursts are always calculated just feels off.

Deval’s tweet, while well-intentioned, glosses over some key moments that show Fatima acting on impulse and emotion, not strategy. Yes, she’s a strong, smart woman who often makes calculated decisions—but she’s also deeply flawed and human, and like anyone, sometimes she crashes out.


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