Mind-Blowing Discovery: Aliens Secretly on the Moon | Unsealed Alien Files
Mind-Blowing Discovery: Aliens Secretly on the Moon | Unsealed Alien Files
For decades, we dreamed of sending people to the moon, wondering what secrets we might discover. Now, more than 40 years after we first touched down, evidence shows we may not know the whole truth about what, or who, NASA found on the moon. Something strange is happening on the moon, and we believe it’s not human. Doctored photos, UFO sightings by astronauts, and allegations of a massive cover-up plague NASA’s five-decade history. What did astronauts find on the moon, and what did they bring back with them? This is Discovery, and we still have the alien spacecraft under investigation.
Tonight, we expose the secret side of space missions that the world has never seen. Join us as the hidden truth behind NASA and aliens on the moon is unsealed. A global effort has begun, with secret files hidden from the public for decades, detailing every UFO sighting. These files are now available to the public. We are about to uncover the truth behind these classified documents and find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Unsealed alien files are exposing the biggest secret on planet Earth.
Beginning in 1968, NASA’s Apollo space program sent nine manned missions to the moon. Astronauts on board are the only humans to have ever set foot on an alien world. I kind of have two moons in my head. I look at the moon just like everybody else who’s never been there, and you know, there it is. And I’ve always thought it was interesting. But every once in a while, I think of a second moon, the one I recall from up close. Alien theorists have long believed NASA has known of, and perhaps even made contact with, alien life. But the history of putting a man on the moon did not begin with a liftoff; it began with a crash.
On July 8, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, reports of a downed UFO sent shock waves across America. The U.S. Air Force responded immediately, and what they discovered changed the world forever. A UFO crashed in Roswell in 1947, and we recovered technology and a living extraterrestrial entity. What do we do with this? During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were competing on multiple fronts, not necessarily fighting a war with bullets, but a war with technology. Of course, anything extraterrestrial would also mean very exotic technology, and that would be of extreme importance to the U.S. Army.
The next ten years saw inventions decades ahead of their time: the hydrogen bomb, solar power, microchips, lasers, and the U.S.’s crowning achievement — NASA’s powered spacecraft. “Now, it is time to take longer strides.” I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.
When Kennedy put forth the national goal for America to put a man on the moon, the façade wasn’t just to beat the Russians; it was about a lot more than that. The scientific breakthroughs that we were going to accomplish by getting a man to the moon were something that far surpassed any politics. In 1964, the Ranger 7 was the first spacecraft that was able to beam back images of the moon’s surface. Ranger 7 returned 438 photos of an alien world we had never seen up close. What’s not talked about are some of the actual photographs that weren’t shown publicly. A case can be made that, in fact, they were able to transmit images back to Earth that did show artificial structures on the moon. So, people in the United States, at the very least, were aware that there were very likely alien bases on the moon.
As humans get closer to setting foot on the moon, strange and unusual events begin to unfold. In June 1965, NASA transcripts between astronaut James McDivitt of the Gemini spacecraft may reveal a report of the first UFO sighting in space. According to the transcript of the Gemini mission, astronaut McDivitt says, “I just saw something else up here with me, but just as I was getting close enough to take a good picture, the sun got in the way and I lost it. It had big arms sticking out of it. Looked like I only had it for just a minute.” After many of the Gemini astronauts started to see things in space, they came up with code words like “bogey” and even “Santa Claus” to describe crafts that they were seeing flying outside of the spaceship.
On December 24, 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft made the first successful orbit around the moon. “Here Apollo, over. Hello, clear. Roger, please be informed there is a Santa Claus.” This is something that many people could easily dismiss as just a reference to the upcoming Christmas day. But many others have said, “Well, Santa Claus was, in fact, one of the code words used, and this was his way of communicating to Capcom that in fact, I was seeing a UFO coming up.”
If UFO historians are correct, America’s dominance in the Cold War with the USSR depended on one primary objective: land a man on the moon and make contact with an alien presence before the Soviets could do it first. If there was extraterrestrial exotic technology on the moon, that would definitely fuel our need to get there first and the fastest, so that we could reverse-engineer this technology and use it for our own military purposes.
If these theories are true, the fate of America and perhaps mankind was in the hands of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11.