Love Is Blind

1 Love Is Blind Contestant Had a Surprising Redemption Arc in Episode 11

1 Love Is Blind Contestant Had a Surprising Redemption Arc in Episode 11

Every season of Love Is Blind has drama, whether it has to do with love triangles, secrets, lies, or even sometimes, mean girls. Initially in the pods, Molly came across as though she could be one. She would openly talk about her dates with Dave in front of Lauren, as if to intentionally make her jealous.

In the end, Dave broke up with Molly, even though she is more like the women he usually dates. Instead, he decided to throw caution to the wind with Lauren. Afterward, Molly delivered a tearful apology to Lauren, revealing that she had no idea that Lauren was “the other woman” and would not have talked so frankly about her relationship in front of her had she known. Still, fans had their reservations. Was she simply saving face after being dumped or actually being genuine? Based on the reunion, however, Molly has come across in a positive light.

Molly’s Meeting With Lauren Was All About Girl PowerLauren smiling at Dave while eating on a patio in Love Is Blind.Three ladies walking into the suite smiling and laughing in Love Is Blind.Molly crying and hugging Lauren in the suite on Love is Blind.Lauren sitting with a notebook in her lap talking in the pods on Love is Blind.Molly sitting in the pod on Love Is Blind in a green dress.

Prior to the reunion party, Dave and Lauren were already having trouble. He admitted to Lauren that he went to a pub with his friends where other pod people were apparently present. Someone told him that Molly was there, but he said he did not want to meet her. He didn’t want to be disrespectful. Clearly, Molly didn’t push to meet him either. Score one for her.

Week 1 Friday, February 14, 2025 Episodes 1-6
Week 2 Friday, February 21, 2025 Episodes 7-9
Week 3 Friday, February 28, 2025 Episodes 10-12
Week 4 Friday, March 7, 2025 Episode 13
Week 5 Sunday, March 9, 2025 Reunion
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At the event, Molly instantly makes a point to connect with Lauren. They go outside for privacy and Molly thanks Lauren for being so sweet and kind to her after everything that happened. “I felt uncomfortable with it, and you really made me feel okay,” she says. She then proceeds to warn Lauren that while at the bar the previous night, though she didn’t witness anything firsthand since she had no interest in meeting Dave in person, others told her that there was “a girl all over him.” She was torn between whether to text Lauren to tell her or keep it to herself for fear of looking bitter.

In the end, she didn’t want Lauren going into a marriage without knowing about this incident, unaware at this point that Lauren and Dave had already broken up. Lauren shares the news and the reason for the end of their engagement: she was sleeping with someone before coming on the show, and Dave knew who the person was.

Despite the Love Is Blind 8 trailer teasing several controversies, these don’t involve Molly. Rather, Molly speaks the most truthful words on the situation. “Obviously, as someone you were about to marry, he should have had your back and said ‘This is my fiancé and I don’t care what the f**k you think about her. You’re going to love her once you meet her.’” The fact that he didn’t do that, Molly adds, says a lot about him.

Obviously, as someone you were about to marry, he should have had your back and said ‘This is my fiancé and I don’t care what the f**k you think about her. You’re going to love her once you meet her.’

She ends by telling Lauren that she and the other ladies are there for her if she needs anything. “I think you deserve the world, and I want to make sure that you know that I am going to be there for you,” she adds, further convincing fans that Molly is a good person.

With that said, she also pokes fun at Dave’s Instagram account and his selfies, suggesting she isn’t into him physically now that she knows what he looks like. Even so, her desire to be on Lauren’s side came across as genuine. Unless she’s playing it up for the cameras, she doesn’t seem like the type of woman who would jump in and try to pursue Dave even if she found him wildly attractive and just her type, something others on Love Is Blind have done in previous seasons.

Molly Reams Dave Out and Stands up for Lauren

What really changes viewers’ perception of Molly is when she sits down with Dave for a talk. There’s no flirtation or callbacks to their bond in the pod. She is there for one reason and one reason only: to grill him for how he has treated Lauren and call him out on his mistakes.

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65% 35% 6.2/10

She immediately turns the tables when he starts the conversation, noting that he’s usually the one that f**ks up, asking with a smile if he’s seriously going to try and say that Lauren is the one who messed up. She reminds Dave that one of their first pod conversations was about how he pushes people away, and she theorizes that this is what he has been doing in this situation.

The impression she got from what Lauren says was that he was consistently pushing her away, waiting for her to end it, despite the fact that they looked like one of the best couples on Love Is Blind season 8. It’s a spot-on observation given Dave’s conversation earlier that evening with the guys when he tried to imply that he wasn’t the one who broke things off, putting some level of responsibility on Lauren.

Molly calls him out again, asking why he didn’t defend Lauren to his friends and family, then looks puzzled when he claims that he did. So she asks, what was their response? That they still didn’t want to meet her? According to Dave, they would never say that, which further leads to the question: then why didn’t he let it happen?

Dave continues to dance around Molly’s logical questions, confirming that his friends and family had an issue with the situation. He tries to flip the tables and ask Molly how she would feel in that situation, but it backfires as she claims she personally would not have cared.

Oddly, Dave keeps going back to his sister as his crutch. He claims she was not a fan of him going on the show at all and suggests that he finally got her to “let him” go on the show, but with the promise that he wouldn’t get engaged. This makes fans curious as to why he would go on the show at all if that wasn’t his intention. His sister’s reservations that he would meet a disingenuous woman who was only on the show to be famous were valid. It has happened with both women and men on the show before, after all. But Molly laughs that off, asking if he knows who Lauren is. “Lauren is one of the best, most genuine people that I have met,” she declares.

Further pressing, Molly says that if he agrees with her that Lauren is not like that, why wouldn’t he have made the effort to get Lauren and his sister to meet? Dave doesn’t have a valid answer, which ironically suggests that he is the person who went on the show with ulterior motives. If he only went on to participate in the pods part of the experiment, what was the point? And if he truly fell in love with Lauren, her situationship prior to being on the show would not matter, or he would at least given her the opportunity to plead her case to the other most important people in his life.

Frustratingly, when Molly asks why he wasn’t in a position to defend Lauren if he was ready to marry her, Dave claims “It’s not that easy.” She suggests he put Lauren on a FaceTime call with his sister when the camera isn’t rolling. But he simply keeps suggesting that it’s “not that easy.”

Finally recognizing that she isn’t getting through to Dave, Molly tells him that she thinks he is just making excuses. “I just feel that if anyone met Lauren, they would love her,” she adds. Dave’s reply that he claims to have been saying this for weeks yet isn’t making any effort to actually make it happen has viewers boiling by this point. “If you wanted to make it happen…” Molly declares, saying what every viewer is thinking, “You would make it happen.

“I will always have Lauren’s back,” she adds. “She’s my number one,” delivering an underhanded dig at how Dave eventually told Molly that Lauren was his number one in the pods. Her words may have gotten through as Dave later approaches Lauren to apologize, takes accountability for his ego and feelings, and suggests that perhaps they could talk further. But Lauren brushes him off as nicely as she can. “I think we’re past that,” she says.

There’s More to Know About Molly

From everything we know about Love Is Blind season 8, Molly Mullaney is a 30-year-old (likely 31 at the time of this writing) executive assistant who came into the pods proud of her independence. She purchased her own home from hard work and dedication. A former cheerleader for the Minnesota Timberwolves who also later taught dance classes, she paid part of her college tuition by winning local lip sync battles.

Instagram Handle Number of Followers TikTok Handle Number of Followers
@mollyrosemullaney 14K molly..mullaney 236

Her effervescent personality came through immediately in the pods, as did her confidence and sense of humor. “If I’m out on the dance floor,” she said in her bio for Netflix, “they have to be cheering me on in the corner, or out there dancing with me.” She was looking for a confident man who didn’t embarrass easily.

Interestingly, Molly claimed in the pods that she had never been in a serious relationship before, a red flag for those who wondered why and if this was a reflection of a noncommittal nature. She joked that she wanted her husband to be “her first boyfriend.”

A clear free spirit, she won over Dave with her lighthearted humor and her ability to talk about deeper topics as well whenever the conversation went that way. When he admitted to cheating on a girlfriend in the past, Molly told him she understood, appreciated his honesty, and advised that she gives people the benefit of the doubt that they can change and grow.

Her Instagram account is reflective of her personality, with images of Molly hanging out with friends, posting in places all over the world, and images and videos of her dancing and in her cheerleader uniform.

It seems that while both Molly and Lauren didn’t come out of the experience with a fiancé, they came out with something much better: a deep friendship with one another. Most importantly, they both portrayed themselves as strong women. They were out to support one another, not tear one another down, especially for a guy who clearly didn’t deserve either of them.

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